Does Your Child Fear Public School? Read These Tops Reasons To Find A Private Option
Posted on: 8 February 2018
If your child is currently in a public middle school or high school setting, and you fear for their safety, well-being and ability to focus on school every day because of their classmates, it may be time to send them to private school. If you don't think that the public schools in your area are safe, or that the school as a whole is as academically committed to the students as you hoped, you don't want to sell your child short. Here are some of the reasons you want to consider a private education for their future.
Find Families Like Yours
Ask the private school admissions director when you do a tour what the statistics are for the schools you are looking into. You can find schools that have specific types of diversity, or maybe schools that have mostly married couples, dual income families, or other features that you want to be similar to yours. A private school based on a specific religion may also be the best option for you if you want your child to have religion involved with their education during the school day.
Entrance Is Selective
Many private schools will evaluate a child and their family before allowing them admittance into the school, to be sure that they are the right fit. This means that you are less likely to incur children with disciplinary issues, violent behavior, or criminal records. This means you can send your child every day with less fear of fights, violence, drugs, and more. Prepare yourself properly by prepping the entire family for the interview questions you may face.
College Success Is the Goal
For most people, the goal of high school is to get into a good college and to succeed there. When you take your child to a private school they are more likely to get into college and to do well while they are there. Many private schools have counsellors that specifically dedicate their time to college admissions help with the students, which is a huge advantage for students applying.
If your teen loves to learn, is academically competitive, and is struggling to feel safe and comfortable in their current public school, it's time to explore the private academic options around them, and to see what is out there. You want to know you put them on the right path to prepare them for the rest of their life.